Thursday, March 15, 2007


Just finished up the state-mandated parenting course we were REQUIRED to take to get divorced. Wonder what happens if you refuse. Does a judge order you to go?

Part of the course, the woman asked "and how many of you are not dating/getting married EVER, ever ever ever again?"

I put my hand up.

She looked at me patronisingly. "There's always one."

What's THAT supposed to mean?

There are entire reams of jokes about marriage. What's the best anti-aphrodisiac around? A wedding ring. Name one food that can add 50lb on someone in a month. Wedding cake. etc.

And one of the big facts they laid down was couples getting married have a 1/2 divorce rate. For second or third time marrieds, it's 9/10 that will call it quits.

I've already given one woman 70% of a house and all its contents, and half my post-tax income, thanks.

I can't frigging AFFORD to go through a ceremony in which she's the star attraction, having spent a few months' salary on some shiny rocks and a year's salary for her and all her friends to gush around her, while the groom stands there like a spare prick telling everyone he's basically done with screwing everyone else for life.

Even if the whole thing had not turned me into a bitter, misogynistic asshole who's seen womankind at its least nurturing and is not exactly inclined to give it house room.

Her ensuing conversation went something along the lines of how that wasn't healthy, maybe I needed counselling, etc. Nope, maybe I'm one of the few people who frigging wised up. A marriage contract is one of the most one-sided contracts this side of when honkies were allowed to own people.

And I am NOT wearing myself out anymore for some entitled princess. No thanks. Not no more.

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