Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Let's start this off with a real firestarter shall we?

Men vs women.

Bill Hicks, God Bless his sainted soul, remarked that God's grand plan for humanity was hanging around in a garden, in perfect bliss, naming animals - knowing no fear, no pain, no suffering, no sadness or unhappiness, decay or death. And woman said, "it's not enough".

God made man first and womankind LAST so that she wouldn't constantly complain all the time as he was working.

Now, I don't hate women, everyone's opinion of me to the contrary. But what I do hate is feminism. It started out well intentioned enough - women wanted to be freed from the sex roles that were hashed out back in paleolithic times. And granted, women were not equal citizens and did not have many rights. The sufferagette phase of it was pretty awesome and worked for the right of women to be more than chattel.

I personally think men and women should be equal. A woman wants to wear pants, fine. A guy wants to wear a dress, OK. A woman wants to be a miner, excellent. A man wants to arrange flowers, fan-tastic.

But what's interesting is once they won their rights, the professional victims and academics had one of two choices. Get real jobs, with no qualifications, or continue to find other things to be pissed off about. So now we have personhole covers, chairpersons, theirstory, etc.

One thing women need to wake the hell up to is the fact that life is about choices, and you cannot have your cake and eat it. How many times have you had a conversation with a woman where it goes

"We have to do XYZ."
"We can't, cause you chose to do ABC, which has cut off our avenue to doing XYZ."
"It HAS to happen." (unsaid: and YOU need to figure out how).

This is one thing men can't stand about women - that they can't seem to realise they can't work nonstop at a career until 40 and then have the big family then. EITHER/OR, people. MANY a woman has found her fertility through the floor at that point. Hell, there was that Spaniard who lied to doctors and had fertility treatments at 60something and then realised hey wait - I'm likely to check out before the kids are grown and anyway, as an old age pensioner I haven't the strength to keep up with them. HELP! I NEED A MAN!

Now it's getting really tedious. Only a group of people devoid of any kind of cognitive power would support the ravings of somebody obviously mentally ill, like Andrea Dworkin.

An example -

I recently got into a conversation with someone who insisted in sex bias because women made x percentage of what men make. News flash. Men make choices that maximise their earning power, like taking courses in math, working longer hours and doing the unpleasant and dangerous jobs that'll earn more. Because in order to attract a mate, you need a thick ass wallet.

Department of Labour statistics to the contrary, research done in a wonderful book called Why Men Earn More indicates that if a woman makes the same choices (put your nose to the grindstone and stop whining) she often times makes more than a man with the same schooling and experience.

This is NOT what the feminists want. Otherwise they'd be overjoyed, and would be switching their majors from something ending in -ology to something with practical value, and worrying less about a career that is fun and fulfilling and preferring one that pays the ducats.

They want a distribution of wealth on their terms: e.g. a woman showing up at 10, doing her nails til 11, reading through Cosmopolitan til 3 pm and then booting out at 4:45 will get promoted faster than the guy who comes in early, leaves late and works damn hard for that promotion. Whereas she's there til she gets bored of it and goes looking for what she'll eventually post in her Craigslist W4M ad as "a good man" or "a real man" to pay off her credit card bills - he's got a goddamn family to feed and sure as shootin HIS paycheque is considered by both of them as the one that pays the bills.

But if you think my ire is directed at blatant sexists wasting public money and academic space on homothropic nonsense, the men have decided to become even bigger whiners. "Masculinists" as they're called have become a carbon copy of the feminist movement, even going so far as to blame EVERYTHING that goes wrong in their own lives as evidence that there is something called a "matriarchy" that is meeting, in candle lit rooms, to directly screw up their lives. The tinfoil hats are definitely on inside out with this crowd - and it's easy to see them for the bitter, unlaid and screwed-up-the-ass-in-divorce court cretins that they are.

Men need to collectively wake up and realise they are not going to find someone to wait on them hand and foot like mommy did, as well as work her ass off to be your trophy. And at the same time, that the world does not revolve around themselves, and if they want something from others they'd better be ready and able to do it themselves. No bald fat guys critiquing a girl with five extra pounds.

Like a broken clock being right twice an hour - sure there are clear cases where women still have work to do, and it's the truth that men have no access to domestic violence help when they get bashed. (This includes male children over 12, so before you think adult men can look after themselves...) But I've never collectively seen a bigger bunch of me-first head-in-the-clouds whiners as these two groups. They seem to be insistent on fanning the flames that simmer from the fact that men and women have totally divergent motivations.

All you've got to do is look at personals ads:

Woman looking for man:

Hi, I'm 35 and kinda chubby, I'm stuck in a dead end job and mom keeps bugging me to get a husband. I'm looking for a tall, thin handsome guy with a great job that pays him six figures but allows him to take off time whenever I want, work about twenty hours a week and have lots of time to play with our many kids and cats while adoring me constantly and waiting on me hand and foot. I watch romantic comedies nonstop, and if you are anything like Dr. McDreamy on the soaps, I want you to rescue me from all this. I'm tired of game players, cheaters, poor people, short or ugly people, and people who don't want me to have access to their bank accounts.

Man looking for woman:

Bald fat 47 year old man living in mom's basement looking for hot blonde, 19-20, with big breasts, so have sex with him, do the dishes and laundry, and then watch him play X-box.

And no, gentle reader, I'm not talking about YOU here. Don't worry.

Here's a news flash. A six year old hugging his teacher is NOT a sex offender. An ad featuring a guy getting kicked in the balls is NOT evidence of grotesque gender hatred. Get over yourselves.

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